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Country United States
State/Province Washington
City seattle
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Exchange period Both long and short term
Listing id# 1039
  Our home overlooks moored boats, floating homes and the shoreline of Lake Union, is bordered on the north by a pea patch/park, is a 25 minute walk to the University of Washington and a 3 minute walk to bus lines to downtown Seattle. The view from the house is of a pedestrian walk (much used) and the lake with many small sailboats, kayaks, and other craft passing by. It is a much remodeled older home (~2500 sq. ft., modern all electric kitchen, dining room, living room, complete bathroom and entry on the main level; master bedroom and bath, computer/study room, single bedroom w/sink, 2nd study (with single bed) on the upper floor,); we maintain a separate apartment on a lower level. It is cabled with wi-fi. Depending upon circumstances the exchange would not have to be contemporaneous. We are close to many outdoor activities, including touring the Olympic Peninsula, Mt. Rainier, and Mt. St. Helens. And of course swimming/ kayaking in Lake Union directly in front of the house (we have a kayak/canoe that can be used). I am a retired teacher and my husband is a retired professor. We are interested in travel both in the US and abroad. A car exchange (we have a mini-van) may be possible.

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