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Country Australia  
City Darwin
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Available in Spring Summer Autumn 
Exchange period Long Term (more than 3 weeks) 
Listing id# 5686
  Located 20 minutes drive from the city centre, 5 minutes drive from Darwin Airport, 100 metres from the 13th hole of Darwin's major golf course, and just a 5 minute walk from the club. Neighbours are friendly and super-helpful. Outdoor lifestyle is what makes Darwin a completely different experience from the southern areas of Australia. A car will be included in the exchange, and extensive walking track are close by. Easily accessible are Mindil Beach's Sunset Markets and smaller markets which are popular 'breakfast stops' on weekends, spectacular food/cultural expos by several ethnic communities, major sports venue which is home for the Arafura Games every two years, view crocodiles and other native wildlife from safe vantage points. Drive to Litchfield and Kakadu National Parks, Katherine Gorge and other historical places down the track.

As Darwin is very hot and humid during the Wet, potential swappers would find May to August a wonderful time to live here. Maximum Dry season temperatures are usually from 20 to 30 degrees. We are willing to travel at other times of the year if you are, but Darwin is very hot and humid form October to April.

We have noted preferences, but would be happy to consider other places where only speaking English is not a problem. Some of our loveliest exchanges have been to places we hadn't even considered before. We love to live in different places as residents rather than tourists. We have done a few exchanges in the southern states of Australia in Autumn or Spring months with all parties enjoying very pleasant holidays.

Eric is a retired Fire Officer and I am a retired Librarian. We visited Ireland five years ago and loved it, hence our first preference. However, a daughter living in London is a big draw to that side of the world, so any area in England interests us. Most of our exchanges have been to places we hadn't considered but were happy to be asked to go, so we would love to have an enquiry from you from almost anywhere. We have planned some great Australian exchanges in 2010, but would like an overseas exchange during June/July/August hopefully people in Ireland, England, Scotland or Wales would like to check out 'Australia's best-kept secret destination' (this is a direct quote from our first overseas visitors who are veterans in the exchanging world). In 2006 we experienced the delights of French village life and would love to visit the provinces again (any of them). We were fortunate enough to visit Canada in 2007 and 2009 and really love it. We would prefer swaps for about six weeks, but can be flexible about this. We don't have any pets and have someone in to mow the lawn every couple of weeks while we are away.

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